Campuses & Locations

U.S. Latino GDP skyrockets to record $3.7 trillion, with growth rate outpacing China, India

Despite COVID, Latinos’ economic output in 2022 was greater than 6 of the world’s 10 largest economies.
UC Newsroom |

College students: Got voting questions? We have answers.

We asked UC students on social media what questions they have about voting in the Nov. 5 election. Here's what you wanted to know.
UC San Francisco |

How many people have A-Fib? Three times more than we thought

In the first national estimate in two decades, UCSF reports that 10.5 million Americans have atrial fibrillation, a dangerous but highly treatable arrhythmia.
UC Riverside |

Like father, like daughter, when it comes to cardiovascular health

UC Riverside-led mouse study finds fathers on unhealthy diets can cause cardiovascular disease in their daughters.
UC Merced |

Study: People facing life-or-death choice put too much trust in AI

In simulated life-or-death decisions, about two-thirds of people allowed a robot to change their minds when it disagreed with them — an alarming display of excessive trust in artificial intelligence, researchers said.
UC Davis |

The promise of alternative proteins

Can we meet the global demand for meat? Food scientists at UC Davis are studying how to make beef using cow stem cells.
UC Berkeley |

California has dramatically improved its air quality, but racial disparities persist

The state’s aggressive emissions policies have reduced exposure to PM2.5 air pollution by 65 percent since 2000, but low-income communities of color still breathe the dirtiest air.
UC Newsroom |

National Science Foundation awards the University of California a $2.5M grant for its CAMP program

The innovative effort has helped propel a 580 percent increase in underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering and math at UC over the past three decades.
UC Newsroom |

University of California campuses rise to the top in two new rankings

In new rankings from the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, all nine undergraduate campuses stood out for how well they prepare graduates for future success.
UC Riverside |

Good grub — why you should consider eating ... bugs

Two entomologists share their insights on insects as a food source and why more people should consider including bugs in their diet.
UC San Diego |

Dangerous airborne fungus boosted by California droughts

Valley fever cases peak from September to November; drought temporarily dampens these peaks, but leads to bigger surges once rain returns
UC Berkeley |

New process vaporizes plastic bags and bottles, yielding gases to make new, recycled plastics

The catalytic process, discovered by researchers at UC Berkeley, efficiently reduces polymers to chemical precursors, bringing a circular economy for plastics one step closer to reality.